Now Available from Sam Watts
“As the leader of a community organization, my experience is that putting the principles in place that Sam Watts has outlined in Good Work Done Better guarantees significant, positive and measureable impacts and outcomes.”
—Deirdre Freiheit, President & CEO Shepherds of Good Hope and Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation
—Deirdre Freiheit, President & CEO Shepherds of Good Hope and Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation
“I truly believe that Sam has a great impact on people because of his values, his altruism and his humanity... Sam has taken a further step by encouraging us to change the way we think about the community-based non-profit sector. Good Work Done Better is a must read.”
--The Honourable Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal from 2013-2017, Member of Parliament from 1997 to 2013
--The Honourable Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal from 2013-2017, Member of Parliament from 1997 to 2013
“Recognizing good stewardship but with an eye toward continuous improvement, [Sam Watts] articulately challenges his CBNP compatriots to strive for excellence ... Eloquent tough love for nonprofit leaders.”
--Kirkus Reviews
--Kirkus Reviews